Navigating Project Management as a Solo Unity Game Developer
Developing a video game is an exhilarating journey, a synthesis of art, technology, storytelling, and design. When opting to use Unity, a robust game engine, solo developers find a vast array of tools at their disposal. However, this can also be overwhelming. Without the support of a team, the project …
State-Based Cameras in Unity’s Cinemachine
Camera control is fundamental for creating immersive gameplay and engaging storytelling. Unity has made considerable strides in offering solutions that give game developers more control over camera mechanics, with Cinemachine being one of the standout toolsets. Cinemachine is a suite of camera tools for Unity that simplifies complex camera control …
Creating an Interaction System in Unity
In the realm of game development, creating immersive and interactive experiences is key to captivating players. A crucial aspect of achieving this lies in designing a robust interaction system. In this blog post, we will explore the implementation of an interaction system in Unity using an interface called IInteractable. To …
Save Game System in Unity using Interfaces and Custom Serialization
Creating a robust save game system in Unity is a fundamental part of many games. This tutorial will guide you through the process of implementing an advanced, flexible save system using interfaces, which lets each object decide how it's serialized. Defining the Serialization Interface The first step is to create …
Creating Custom Inspectors in Unity with Editor Scripting
Building a custom inspector in Unity is a great way to provide a personalized and efficient workflow for your RPG. This blog post will show you how to create custom inspectors with Unity's editor scripting. We'll use ScriptableObjects and AnimationCurves, which are powerful tools for creating reusable data and controlling …
The King’s Court: Authentication Tokens for Beginners
When I first started my career in software development, my networking foundation was full of holes, mostly because I didn't take many web development courses in university, and partially because I was particularly interested in making singleplayer PC games. I took an introductory web development course, and a database administration …
Exploring the Singleton Pattern in Unity
When developing games or applications in Unity, developers often encounter design patterns to organize and manage their code effectively. One such pattern is the Singleton pattern, which provides a way to ensure there is only one instance of a class throughout the application. While the Singleton pattern offers some advantages, …
Avoiding Crunch: The Role of Effective Project Management
Crunch, the prolonged and excessive overtime work typical of the video game industry, has been an alarming issue for many years that negatively impacts the well-being of developers and the quality of the final product. While it's true that crunch is often attributed to tight deadlines and demanding schedules, it …